Sunday, December 26, 2010

National Tree(s)

So last night was quite the adventure! Eunice, Jerry, and I cooked a delicious Chinese Christmas dinner and it was sooo yummy. Then we decided to go see the National Tree. I had looked it up and thought it was the one by the Capitol Building... so that's where we ended up first. Parking was great and traffic was wonderful - we got to see the tree when it was quiet and nice outside (although a little cold)!

Playing with longer exposure and writing an "M" with the star at the top!

Since we were out anyway, we decided to go see the tree at the White House. We realized upon arriving that THIS was the National Tree, not the other one. But hey, we got to see both of them. :) There were many more people here!

This tree looks more "fake" for some reason... I think it's the shape?

Washington Monument in the distance. 

White House! :)

They had a ring of 50 smaller trees - one for each state. 

For my dad - he's a big fan of trains. 


We found the tree for Michigan!


All in all, a fun Christmas with two beautiful trees. :) Jerry and I are talking about making this a tradition whenever we are in the DC area for Christmas in the future! It was a ton of fun. 

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