Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Genuine Fellowship

I was reminded today by God of why we need brothers and sisters in our lives for fellowship. :) I had lunch and afternoon tea today with Jerry (NEHS), Jodi, and Eunice. It was just... a really awesome time of hearing about everyone's year, and how God had worked, tried, and molded us to walk closer and closer with Him.

I just have to say that Jerry, you have grown so much! I think my fondest memory of you back in high school was when you bought me ice cream before Godsquad, and then locked Kevin Fu out of the room so we could eat all of it, haha! But seriously though, hearing how God has worked in your life and how you've matured in your faith was such an encouragement to me. :) Thanks for sharing so much with us -- it was really a good time.

God really does give us brothers and sisters to build community and to share life together, struggles and good times, too. It's just so encouraging and I've missed having that time this summer! Thanks guys for a good afternoon in God's presence. :)

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