Thursday, January 6, 2011

One Word for 2011

The author of one of my favorite blogs, Grit and Glory, Alece, started doing "One Word" last year. Her word was "risk." The entire year she meditated on this word and it drove her to take risks in her life where God was calling her. I decided to join her (and other bloggers) this year, and choose one word that I would focus on this year, in 2011. After much thought... I chose:


I've been learning so much about God's unconditional grace this year, and I'm still learning this every day. God is not a God of performance - He does not desire that we spend one hour each day reading the Bible, for example, if the motivation behind us reading is not out of love and obedience but instead out of obligation. Too long I have lived my life in fear of God, and not godly fear - fear that if I mess up He will no longer love me or if I don't do my quiet times, I am a "bad" Christian. I want to see God radically work in my heart this year, to break down those lies that I have built around who God is, and to be radically changed on the heart level, and not just on the surface. I want God to break my heart for what breaks His, and to revive my passion for social justice. There's so much more to write, but I know I'll be sharing about how God is changing my heart this year.

Did anyone make any resolutions this year? If you had to choose a word to define this year, what would your word be?


Lindsey V said...

Melissa, I think just the fact that you would choose this word shows even more heart than you may realize! Believing that this year will be one where you will see and realize His heart more than ever!

Yaobert said...

I choose Grace

Anonymous said...

oooooh! i love your approach to this. we so quickly focus on changing all these external things, when really it all comes down to our heart.