Thursday, October 16, 2008

Choosing What's Right

I've noticed lately as I've been thinking more that choosing to live the way God calls me to is extremely different than living the way the world calls me to. It seems like such a simple truth, but I've never had this revelation so strongly in the past. I guess it's really been recently that God has really shown me the cost and discipline it takes to walk on the narrow road with Him.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." - Matthew 7:13-14

I've always read this verse, but not until recently did it stand out to me and convict me as much as it did. So many of my imperfections and areas of brokenness in my life have been revealed to me lately, and it's only through God's sustaining grace that I'm able to stand everyday and live life the way He intends me to. And even through His grace, I'm still not living the life He intended for me. I'm trying - but it's so hard, when the world is telling you otherwise.

That's why I really appreciate Leslie Ludy's writing. I fell in love with her book Authentic Beauty when I was 16, and I can tell you that the book changed my life and my view of true intimacy with God. I have to admit I'm somewhat lost sight of what that looks like, but recently I've been taking steps to get back to that sacred and intimate place with God. I recently read her newest book, Set-Apart Girl. Wow. What a picture of living life the way God intended us to live! Leslie is truly an example of a set-apart woman, who's life reflects her Creator and her intimate relationship with Him.

I have big dreams, impossible, even, it seems in this world - but God knows, and He will guide me down the narrow path, even though it's hard and I sometimes lose sight of what I'm doing. I pray He'll always remind me of the good things He has in store for me!

1 comment:

tiff pan said...

same thoughts.same thoughts.