As our wedding approaches in two months (!!!), I've had a lot of time to think about the issue of identity. Our identity changes so many times in life - but some things remain the same. We will always be sons and daughters of our parents, no matter our age, and we will always be boys and girls. Some identities do become part of us as we get older - student, our professions, wife, husband, mother, father, etc. You get the idea.
So as I think about our wedding coming up and being married to Jerry, a part of me wonders how my identity will change. I will no longer be "Jerry's girlfriend" or "Jerry's fiance"... I will become "Jerry's wife." Now that's a weird thought. It's strange to think that 5 years ago when we met, I was just 18 years old, and he was 20. And look at us now... both working (by the grace of God), living in a new area, becoming real adults in the real world. Jerry will also no longer just be Jerry, but he will be my husband. Weird. Definitely exciting, but weird to think about. We will no longer live separately - we will have place that will be ours.
Over breakfast the other day, we were talking about what we will miss after we get married. Marriage is a wonderful, blessed thing - but it does come with sacrifices and many changes. Jerry said he would miss having money to spend on things just for himself (and I agreed). I told him I would miss having my alone time - although we both agreed to give each other space everyday just to clear our heads after work alone.
I'm nervous for this new identity to become a part of me, but definitely more excited than anything. It will be a huge transition for both of us, but one that I think we are both ready for!
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